Privacy policy


This is our privacy policy.

With it we inform you about the purpose, the coverage and the way of the storage and the processing your personal data (hereinafter a named as “data”). It is in effect as all proceedings of data processing, i. e. our main occupation, but also as online media and services we made available.

Personal data refers to all data that are related to you as a person. This includes eg your name, your address, your e-mail address, but also eg your infomation about your usage (pattern of usage).



Responsible for the data processing

“Anime Flea Market”-team

Nishi Trade e. V.
Marzahner Promenade 20, 12679 Berlin, Germany

Managing board: Franziska Matthaes, Achim Engel

Court of registraion: Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany
Number of registration (VR-Nr.): VR 37056 B
Tax number: 27/673/55073



Earmarked for data processing in the framework of our main occupation

We will only collect, process and use the data provided by you on our website only for the stated purposes. Furthermore, we use them for the following stated things.

    • For purposes having a direct connection with the original purpose for which the data was collected.
    • For the substantiation or the protection of legal claims or for the defence against illegal activities.
    • For the execution of legal obligations or officially authorized or judicial orders.

We collect, process and store the date that we need for communication and for the implementation of existing business relations with you. The purpose, the coverage and the way of the processed data dependent on the contractual and pre-contractual circumstances and business relations.

If we use third-party providers to provide our services, the privacy statements and business terms of them are in effect, too. Affected are here the private data and data (information) of contact, payment and contract.

The legal basis for the collection, storage and processing of this data is a lawful interest according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.




If you contact us – whether by e-mail, social media platform, mail or on this website integrated contact forms or else – we get personal data from you, which you send us in / with your messages to us. That can be the private data and data (information) of contact, payment and contract. We also receive contact information (data) (eg your e-mail address, your adress, your nickname on a social media platform) of you depending on the way you contact us.

We collect, storage and process this data for answering your questions / inquiries and for the contractual and pre-contractual communication. The legal basis for this is a lawful interest for the fulfilments of a contract, pre-contractual communication and a lawful interest according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.




Our Website is stored on the server of an external service provider and can be accessed from there (make it available). This provider is:

manitu GmbH
Welverstrasse 2
66696 St. Wendel

Website of the provider:
Privacy policy of the provider:


This provider can collect and process all data transmitted by you when you access on our website. This is necessary so that the service of our website is ensured and you get it displayed on your device/s (purpose). This includes the in in the following named data (information) of content, use and communication. They will be stored as so-called log files on the server of the named provider.

    • your IP address
    • internet provider of the accessing system
    • used operating system of your device with which you access to our website
    • used browser and the version of your devise with which you access to our website
    • status of the access / http
    • if applicable the website from which you accessed to our website (have clicked on a link to our website)
    • web pages which you have viewed / clicked on on our website
    • your input / write-in made via our website
    • your send quantity of data
    • date and time of your access to our website
    • time difference of the time zones GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

The legal basis for the collection, storage and processing of this data is a lawful interest according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.




This website uses cookies -text files consisting of combinations of characters that are placed and stored on your devices. They are primarily used to exchange information between our website and your device, so that certain things are stored.

On our website we use two types of cookies.

    • permanent cookiesWe use them.
      • They remain active even after you close your browser, so that our site virtually recognizes your device. Because of them, for example, you do not have to enter your data in contact forms every time again. With them, however, yours can also be documented and stored, on which websites you also visit.
    • temporary cookies (session cookies)We use them.
      • They store the so-called session ID, which is deleted as soon as you close your browser.


Cookies will also be distinguished in terms of their purpose.

    • necessary cookiesWe use them.
      • These are absolutely necessary for accessing and using a website.
    • statistics, marketing & personalization cookies (tracking cookies)We don’t use them.
      • They are used for analysis. They spy on eg your surfing behavior on the net and thus your interests.


The legal basis for the collection, storage and processing of this data is, if we do not obtain your consent for certain cookies, a lawful interest according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

If you give your consent by pushing the button displayed when opening our website that we may use statistics, marketing and personalization cookies (tracking cookies), your consent for certain cookies, is a consent according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.



Processing of data in our merch shop / online shop

If you order something in our merch shop / online shop, you enter data in order to be able to settle the order. Your name, your address, your e-mail-address, information about the transaction of the proceeding of payment and about your particular order will be collected, stored processed. We may also transfer this data to third parties, such as eg the shipping service provider or the tax office. If we use a third-party provider (service provider, etc.) to provide our contractually agreed service, the data protection information of this provider applies.

We use the shop system of a third-party provider named in the following. With this we process the orders and incoming payments and to manage the stock. Accordings, your data of stock, contact, comunication, usage, contract and payment will be transferred to the porvider of the shop for processing.

The legal basis for the collection, storage and processing of this data are a fulfilments of a contract and pre-contractual communication according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR, lawful duties according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR and a lawful interest according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.


Woo Commerce

Service provider: Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
Privacy policy:



Online presence on other websites

We pursue online presences on other websites (e.B. social network). When you visit them, their providers also collects, processes and stores data (information) of contact, content, usage and communication. Usually, this is mainly done for purposes of market research and advertising purposes. In this way, you can create usage profiles of you, which contain information about your interests, moods, character traits, income, professional situation, etc. . On the basis of this, targeted advertising can be sent or showed to you. The data can be collected regardless of the devices with which you visit the sites.

Especially if you have an account on these sites and are logged in when visiting the sites / our online presences or you use their apps (application softwares), data is collected. If you are not logged in to the sites in question and/or do not use their apps, less data will be collected during your visit.

If you would like to have more information about which data these providers collect from you and to what extent, you can read in their privacy policy. If you would like to have information about the data collected about you, object to the use of data, etc., you must contact the corresponding providers (operators) of these websites. We have listed the respective providers and their data protection declarations below.

Please keep in mind that the providers corresponding may be based abroad and also outside the European Union. Your data may also be transferred to other countries within and outside the European Union. The GDPR, other legal texts of the European Union and the laws of your country do not apply to other countries. Depending on the country, you and other people, groups, companies, etc. have different rights. Data protection therefore varies greatly from country to country and this can sometimes be positive for you, but sometimes also negative.

The legal basis for the collection, storage and processing of this data are a consent according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and a lawful interest according to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.



Service provider: Animexx e. V., Brunhamstrasse 21, 81249 Muenchen, Germany
Privacy policy:



Service provider: Mastodon gGmbH, Mühlenstraße 8a, 14167 Berlin, Deutschland
Privacy policy:
>>> Mastodon instance:
>>> Privacy policy:



Service provider: Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
Privacy policy:



Service provider: Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA
Subsidiary company of: Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Registered office in the EU: Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland
Privacy policy:



Service provider: Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Registered office in the EU: Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland
Privacy policy:
Privacy policy for facebook pages:



Service provider: Discord Inc., 444 De Haro Street, San Francisco CA, 94107 USA
Within the EU appear for: VeraSafe Ireland Ltd, Unit 3D North Point House, North Point Business Park, New Mallow Road, Cork T23AT2P, Irland
Privacy policy:



Your rights

Based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you are entitled to the following at any time. If you want something of this, please contact us at . Alternatively (not preferred) you can also contact the Nishi Trade e. V. directly (see subordinate point “Responsible for the data processing”).

    • We have to give you information about what data we have stored about you.
    • You can demand that we send / transfer your data to you or someone responsible for you in a readable, commonly used form.
    • You can demand that we correct resp. complete wrong and incomlepete data.
    • In some cases you can demand that we process your data in a curtailed extent.
    • You can demand that we delete your data. However, there are restrictions according through other laws on the basis of which we are bound by retention periods.
    • You can complain about us to Supervisory Authority.
    • Right of withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
    • Right of contradiction: You can contradict to the processing of your data at any time, which we process according to a lawful interest to art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
    • You have also the option to withdraw the use of your data for data analyses and advertising.



Data storing

We ourselves only store and process your personal data for as long as we need them and/or as long as we have to by law. In concrete terms, this means the following.

    • We store and process your data no longer, when you make, when you contradict.
    • We store and process your data no longer, when you make use of your right of withdrawal and no other legal basis obliges us to do so.
    • As long as the purpose defined here for the storage and the process of the data is given according to art 6 para. 1 lit f GDPR. The purpose is no longer given, …
      • … when our lawful interest no longer exist.
      • … after termination of a contractual relation.

BUT ATTENTION: These things only applicable, if there is no other important reaser according to art 6 para. 1 lit f GDPR, which oblige us to further storage and processing.



Transmission & disclosure of personal data

We do not sell, trade or commercialize personal data to third parties. If there is a third party demanding any of your personal data and we think it would make sense in a certain circumstance (eg collaboration opportunities), we will ask you in advance for your permission. Without your separate agreement no one will get your data in such a case.




We try our best to realize technical as well as organizational security standards according to the GDPR (art 32) and German laws (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, §9 BDSG), to protect your personal data from unlawful usage, transfer, change, deletion / loss or other access. Our team is obliged to secrecy and data protection.



Topicality of the data statement

This privacy policy can and have to customize in the future again and again, when laws are changing. It currently complies with the data protections laws of August 2021.